Thursday, February 14, 2008


so, i thought kai would be totally into this little valentine fairy idea this year since he's into art projects and baking lately. i found on the martha stewart (i love her!) site under valentine crafts a paper heart sachet. i asked kai the other day if he wanted to bake cookies (uhh, of course mommy) and put some cookies and chocolate in the sachets and deliver them to our special little friends in the neighborhood. first, we had to go to the store to get some valentine-y cardstock. my little fairy, even though he begged me all morning to go to the store, wanted to leave pretty much immediately once we got there! it was one grumpy store run. then yesterday we made the cookie dough. i explained to this little fairy that the dough has to refrigerate for a few hours. well, this doesn't register so well in a 3 yr old mind. so all day yesterday kai and i were pretty much grumpy at each other. in addition, he intentionally rolled over zaiah's fingers with his roller skates. so by evening i had to really dig deep in my heart to find the patience and love to bake cookies with my little fairy.

i was hoping for a better morning today on valentine's day. we stuffed the little sachets with the cookies and chocolate, but my little fairy only wanted to eat the chocolate. not really into putting them in the sachets. so, once again grumpy at each other. after a little coffee charge, and a fake smile on my face and not feeling so valentine-y .... i asked: ready to deliver?! yes, he is. so we packed gifts in the car, of course along with my two babes. we had 7 to deliver, the fairy pooped out after the first house!

and, zaiah all along this little neighborhood fiesta was screaming. (no, my dear, you are not ready to give up that morning nap like you think you are!). anyway, here is a picture with my little grumpy fairy....
(both are napping right now, so i'm hoping after a little alone time my attitude will be freshened.)
happy valentine's day.

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