Friday, July 17, 2009

been a while

yep, it has. sorry to disappoint you but there are no pictures today. just a quick list of some highlights from the past couple weeks. we've had computer problems lately, and the computer that i download pictures on got a little wet recently. so important letters like e and r don't work right now.

what we've been up to:

* adopted two little kittens last week - sophie and ali. Kai named them. at first he said digger man. i would have gone with it, but i suggested he think about it since it'll be a name they will have forever, like his. when he thought about the names, he said two of his friends at school were sophie and ali and they get along good so maybe the kittens will too. clever boy. and so far he's right.

* no, we do not own two cats and a dog now. Lexi returned home to the farm we bought her from. she was just too much dog for us. she wanted to run all the time, and bark at our neighbors. i couldn't keep up. i believe she loved us all and was happy here, but she will be much happier in a place where she has complete freedom. who wouldn't, right?

* the poopy-head, 4 yr talk continues to esculate. i'm pretty sure i've been called coo coo head, poopy head, stupid etc. more than mama.

* andy gave his notice at work last week, it went smooth. so 3 weeks until school starts.

* today we went to Deam Lake in indiana .... beautiful! i can't believe it was the first time since we've lived here. the kids had a blast and by the end of our time were very comfortable in the water. i'm going to try to commit to going every week for the rest of the summer.

* the weather here has been very pleasant for july. this weekend it's suppose to be in the mid 70's. yippie!!

* we continue to harvest some food from our garden. i wish it were bigger, but that could be overwhelming. the tomatoes are finally turning pink/red. waiting eagerly for the beans.

* our yard is slowly turning into a village: a teepee, two tree forts. i'm kinda liking it.

* saw the movie My Sister's Keeper last week and i only recommend it if you are in the mood for sad. all around sad.
but, i did see The Hangover a few weeks ago, hilarious and strongly recommend. Don't be fooled by the cheesy title, it was done very well.

*what Kai's been into: playing with friends, playing with trucks/trains, etc., playing with friends, playing with friends, gum (argh), reading, doing tricks on his bike, playing with friends, telling zaiah what she can't do and what she's too little to do, making sure he has the biggest of everything, holding sophie. what Zaiah's been into: having tea parties, getting naked, putting on dresses, eating anything with sugar, finally liking yogurt, asking "why?", hopping, putting her dolls to sleeep, trying to catch the kittens, and of course her binky.

sorry for the blunt, boring post. hoping to be back on soon with photos. happy weekend

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