Sunday, March 23, 2008

gone, again

see this tiny laptop.... (yep, the size of my hand).

well, our regular size laptop has been on the fritz for the past couple weeks due to a virus attack (thank you!). so, andy brought home this kid's computer for us to use in the mean time. and why does andy's work-place need these?

this is the reason i haven't blogged much the past couple weeks. try typing on a keypad that has keys smaller than your finger pads. and a screen so small, you have to continually scroll down to read one page. not so fun. my hands felt all crampy and tired after just checking email. needless to say, kai loves it and so does andy. he's the one who ordered it at work. hmmm. his work-place can afford kids computers for their *kid* employees to play with but they can't afford a holiday party??

happy easter!

1 comment:

justina said...

In defense of the Eee PC. They are small (designed for the one laptop for every child-- that is world wide). They are cheep. They are rugged. They are Microsoft free (sorry Maurice).

Kai has painted some of the coolest pictures ever with the program Tux Paint. If we can figure out how to export them, Justina can post them later.
