Thursday, August 13, 2009


see where the wood beam is? that's the wall andy knocked out. now, we're waiting for drywallers. then painting! the front room will be the dining room (very casual) where we will have a long wooden table. i'm in search for a farm table. and the room on the right (back room) will be a small cozy living area. eventually we want to build partial (like 2' high) open book shelves on each end of the opening that stick out a couple feet.

it always makes me so happy when i have the camera in hand or near by when a perfect picture opportunity happens. like this one below.

andy knocked out part of this ceiling and wall where there was water damage from a past old roof. also to be drywalled.

with most of the main floor un-playable, we've been occupying other areas of the house more. their bedrooms are a bit more crammed with toys and the kitchen is now officially the playroom. my bedroom floor has become the drawing floor. and we turned the kitchen floor into a throw the-rock/button-in-one-of-the-squares game.

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