Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a cool dude who's also helpful

shoes.... she wants to get them on all by herself so badly. She did get her crocks on the other day (whew!) but quickly took them off because i guess they are too big. funny that when i offer to put her shoes on she grabs them and says 'mine!' but when kai offers she's willing. hmmm. the boy who has been calling her bad zaiah and a fungi. he has this book about the human body and one section talks about things that grow in our body, one being fungi. he was quickly facinated by this word. we talked about how there is good fungi and bad fungi. this is his favorite word lately for zaiah when they are squabbling.

the other day we were in the car, and he stated to zaiah "YOU are a fungi ..... and (with a whisper so i wouldn't hear ;) ) not the good kind zaiah. " i was cracking up inside.

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