Wednesday, February 25, 2009

got style?

i had to take this photo the other day. pants a little big, and your belt? a) take them off and find a pair that fits b) buy a new belt, or c) find power drill, and drill a new hole with pants and belt on.

this cracked me up. but didn't surprise me. for those who know andy well, this is his style. right?

we have another one in our house trying to find her style. here you see zaiah putting on many layers of clothes. pajamas half on. somehow she still has trouble getting past her neck so she prances around the house usually with more than one item around her neck quite satisfied. she is very, very determined to dress herself and pick out her own clothes. lately, especially socks. she really wants to get those on.

kai has no interest in picking out his clothes, or putting them on himself. as long as he's warm and his socks don't feel funny, he's good to go.

me? i like to pick out my clothes and put them on myself, without any power tools.

people are funny.

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