Monday, September 29, 2008

jolly weekend

our weekend took off friday night with the annual balloon glow. we've managed to go to this every year since we've lived here. and saturday morning while we were eating breakfast, kai yelled HOT AIR BALLOON!! yes, they went right over our yard. it was as if we climbed our tree we could touch them. too much excitement here i tell ya.

then off for another camping trip. to gear up, this happened on the way there:

a couple friends who were in town from california joined us. kai had a blast getting some extra play time.

oh, and this sweet hat. i hope he wears it. alot.

our campsite was on the river. note: see our friend on the swing rope. he was the only one so eager to jump in.

ugh... more photos in a separate post. i cannot figure out how to load more than 5 photos per post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Justina! So fun that I found your blog just by googling your name :) And I'm very proud that my hat made 2 appearances on the blog! Zaiah's is in the works...
It was so great to meet you and I hope to see you again soon,
(no KY pictures yet)