Tuesday, July 1, 2008

tie dye

we had some friends over today for tie dying. and this photo was the only one i got. post tie dying. the kids surprisingly were very into the process. i'll post the kids tie dye clothing in a couple days.

then, andy got some good news today. he made it through the second phase of the early enrollment process for med school. i would try to explain, but apparently i don't really know what i'm talking about. every time i explain it to someone, andy, so sweetly, tells me so. i do know that the enrollment process seems a little quacky, and a bit confusing. to simplify, i think of it as a big layered weeding out process. all i really need to know is that today was good news. now he has to write more essays and gather his recommendations to submit this month. yea andy! so we celebrated with this tonight:

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